Privacy Policy

This privacy policy gives you an overview of the processing of your data at The Golden Bouton. This privacy policy applies to all services and products we offer our customers.  

1. What data is processed by The Golden Bouton?

Depending on whether you contact us via the web, over the phone, in person or otherwise, and depending on which services you use, different data is generated from different sources. A lot of the data we process you leave when you use our services or contact us. For example, when you register an order and for this purpose, enter your name, email address or address. However, we also receive device and access data that is automatically recorded by us when you interact with our services. For example, this may include information about which device you are using. We may also get information about you from third parties, such as payment service providers.

2. What is The Golden Bouton using my data for?

The Golden Bouton processes your data in accordance with all applicable personal data protection laws. We process your information only for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. The data is primarily used for such as product development, market research, for optimizing business processes, design of our services and for personalized advertising.

3. Social media support page information

The Golden Bouton has social media profiles at Facebook and Instagram. We regularly publish and share content, offerings and product recommendations. The social network operators record your usage pattern using cookies and similar technologies each time our Facebook or Instagram are visited. The operators behind the support pages can see general statistics about visitors’ interests and demographic characteristics (e.g. age, gender, region). When using social networks, the purposes of processing data in social networks are primarily determined by the operators behind the social networks.

4. Newsletter

We offer different types of newsletters. When our services, e.g. website or social media, is used and you enter information such as e-mail or phone number you will get on our newsletter list. This means that we will be able to send out newsletters containing new products, campaigns and more to you. If you have received a newsletter and wish to unsubscribe, please contact our support.

5. Individual product recommendations via email

In connection with our services, we present you information and offers from The Golden Bouton based on your interests. These individual product recommendations are available regardless of whether you have subscribed to a newsletter or not. For the selection of individual product recommendations, in accordance with the statutory provisions, we mainly use your previous purchase data and interest information taking into account the interests, preferences and profile data that you have communicated to us.

6. How does The Golden Bouton use my advertising information?

Your information is used by us and our advertising partners for personalized advertising, which is displayed to you in the The Golden Bouton services and on other providers’ websites and apps. For this purpose, we and our advertising partners use the usual Internet technology. In this way, we can use our advertising targeted to provide you with advertisements and offers that are really relevant to you. This allows us to better meet our users’ needs in terms of personalization and to discover new products and to permanently get you interested in our services through a more personalized shopping experience.

7. To whom is my information forwarded?

The Golden Bouton will only disclose your information to third parties if permitted by German or European data protection law. We work very closely with certain service providers, such as in the customer service area (eg hotline service providers), technical service providers (eg computer hall operators) or logistics companies (eg postal companies such as DHL). On behalf of us, these service providers may in principle only process your information under specific conditions. To the extent that we use them as order processors, the service providers will only have access to your information to the extent and for the time required for the provision of the respective service. If you shop with a The Golden Bouton partner, we will send some of your purchase data to this The Golden Bouton partner (eg your name and delivery address), so that the The Golden Bouton partner can deliver the ordered goods to you.

8. When will my data be deleted?

We will store your personal data for as long as it is required for the purposes mentioned in this privacy policy. This is especially true for the fulfillment of our contractual and statutory obligations. Where applicable, we will also store your personal data for other purposes, if and as long as the law allows us to continue storage for specific purposes, including to defend legal claims.

9. How does The Golden Bouton protect my data?

Your personal data will be transmitted to us securely in encrypted form. This applies to your order and also to the customer’s login. We use the encryption system SSL (Secure Socket Layer).

10. Changes to this Privacy Policy and Contact Person

As we further develop our websites and apps and implement new technologies to improve our service, changes to these privacy notices may be necessary. We therefore recommend that you read this Privacy Policy from time to time.